Tooling and methods


That’s a brief list of what we abide by in our projects. You can read about each point in more detail below.


Code style

There’s a set code style we follow at the studio; you can check it out here. Compliance is checked with Swiftlint enabled on all projects at the studio.

Any projects that differ or deviate from that, or have anything added to them, have that written down in the project documentation.



In most cases, we use GitHub as a place to store and manage repositories, both for commercial and in-house projects.

The following workflow has been established:


All commercial projects have CI/CD enabled:

We don’t overcrowd open-source projects with third-party dependencies. Furthermore, we avoid the Fastlane + Jenkins combination by directly calling xcodebuild commands and similar things, as well as using GitHub actions.


You can check out the list of open-source libraries that we’re currently working on, supporting, or have archived here.

Best practises and useful articles