
A list of actionable open-source libraries undergoing development

Name Description Status
RDDM A library speeding up development when handling collections such as UITableView/UICollectionView Build
NodeKit A quick and easy way to build a complex network layer GitHubActions Build Status
SurfUtils A set of small utilities that help cut down the time spent on routine actions GitHubActions Build Status
DebugScreen A library that helps quickly create and customize a debug screen of an app GitHubActions Build Status
SurfGen A generator creating the service and model layer in accordance with an openAPI 3.x specification Build Status

A list of projects undergoing support

Name Description Status
SurfPlaybook A library that provides a quick and easy way to build a project playbook GitHubActions Build Status
ThirdPartyAuth Library for quick register or login into your application using third party accounts. GitHubActions Build Status
SwiftObfuscator Byte Code Obfuscator for Strings Encrypting GitHubActions Build Status
TextFieldsCatalog A library that helps build an extensively customizable input field with a wide variety of built-in features GitHubActions Build Status
AnalyticsGen Tools that automatically generate analytics layer for mobile application  
AnyAnalytics Library for easily integration analytics into your project  
YandexMapsMobile Lite + SPM YandexMapsMobile, Lite version, SPM-wrapper  

An archive of solutions and repositories we no longer support

Forks of third-party libraries